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Volume 5|Issue 1| Year 2024 (January to December) 

Original Article
1. Isolation, identification and phylogeny analysis of fungi from Motichoor ladoos belonging to the Hadapsar village of Pune district, Maharashtra, India. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 5(1), 1-5.
Kadam SS, Javalkar PS, Awale SK, Nasir MA, Latthe VA, Nanwate SM, Ingale VT, Sutar S, Autade C, Sasane AV, Pawar NN, Lokhande S, Karne S, Dhakane R, Thapa SR.
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Case Report
2.Case Report on Bacterial Infection after Skin Burn: Complications and Management. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 6-8.
Kayande A, Magar DS.
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Original Article
3.  Optimization of Biogas Production by Anaerobic Digestion using Laboratory Waste. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 9-15.
Bokan A, Zine A, Kulkarni P, Amrit S, Shinde AA.
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Scientific Survey
4. Imbalance of Farmers and Indian Government to Improve Agricultural Yield by plant pathogens at Vir, Taluka Purandar, District Pune of Maharashtra State of India. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 14-19.
Kadam SS, Javalkar P, Mulani A, Shere P, Dhokale S, Dumal Y, Sherkar ST, Shivankar P, Phatke S, Khadke J, Mali RR, Danawale S,  Kale S, Kumbhar S, Khatate S, Ghule S, Shinde GG, Jagtap H, Jagtap H, Wadkar H, Jadkar I, Aaryan SS, Sasane A,  Autade CH, Gate VD, Ingale T, Gazi Afrin, Sonwane DG, Gavate S, Kayande A, Parde A, Panchal P, Katkar S, Nanwate SM, Sutar SS, Latthe V, Shelke S, Sarade P, Shinde Gopika, Devkate Neha, Kusal P, Salve D, Awale S.
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Case Report
5. Khadi Natural Neem Tulsi Soap to Treat Fungal Infection in 18 Years Old Boy. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 20-21.
Gavate SG, Shrirame HD.
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Scientific Survey
6. Survey on Milk Preservation in Village Udachiwadi, Purandar Taluka, District Pune, Maharashtra, India Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 22-26.
Koli P, Kolte V, Daundkar P, Sutar T, Dhawale K, Shinde S, Suryavanshi S, Borkar S, Mahadik S, Chaudhary K, Ughade V, Raut S, Tilekar V, Vedpathak S, Mulik S.
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Case Report
7. Post-COVID-19 Susceptibility of Young Patient to Tuberculosis. Int. J. Micro. Sci.  2024; 5(1), 27-29.
Murarkar K, Borkar P.
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8.Optimization of Lipase Production with Response Surface Method using Bacillus subtilis. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2024; 5(1), 30-38.
Suyash Dusane, Sudhakar Gutte
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Volume 4|Issue 1| Year 2023 (January to December)

1.  Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic infection and its prevention. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023;4(1), 1-2.
Raskar SD, Salunke RT, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
2. Neonatal puppy death and disease in female dogs in their pregnancy period. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023;4(1), 3-5.
Navale M, Barad N, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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3. The Truth of Dengue and its Side Effects after Recovery.  Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 4(1), 6-7.
Padwal J, Lambate G, Patharia M, Hingane V, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
4. Role of Homeopathic Treatment against 6 Months Old Boy’s Pneumonia. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023;4(1), 8-9.
Gaikwad VS, Deshmukh SM, Bhosale BT, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
5.  Unusual Treatment with a Juice of Carica papaya and Orange to cure Dengue. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 4(1),10-13.
Dalvi R, Patharia M, Maniyar A, Dhapate P, Sharma R.
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Case Report
6. Comparative Analysis of Clinical and Ayurvedic Treatments Against Chicken Pox Disease. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 4(1),14-15.
Gaikwad KS, Kadam VK, Bondve SP, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
7.  11 years old boy with malaria and dengue co-infection. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023;4(1), 16-17.
Vasar DP, Kudale S, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
8. Cossia tora Leaves, Sandalwood powder, Aloe Vera Leaves with Candid Cream to Treat Vulvovaginal candidiasis. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 4(1), 18-19.
Aglave S, Mulla S, Kanchan S, Sharma R.
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Case Report
9. Fungal infection of thigh skin in 20 years old males and its treatment. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023;4(1), 20-22.
Pawar H, Kadam H, Narayankar M, Pathariya M, Dhapte P, Diwate D, Sharma R, Shinde B.
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Case Report
10. Recovery of patient suffering from a Dengue. Int. J. Micro. Sci. 2023; 4(1),32-34.
Sharma R, Dhapate P, Patharia M, Pawar GN, Jafarzadeh E, More PS, Shinde B.
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Volume 3| Issue 1| Year 2022 (January to December)

Scientific Survey
1.  Hidden Story of Diseased Milking Animals from Uruli Kanchan, Taluka Haveli, District Pune, Maharashtra State of India. International Joournal of Microbial Science 2022, 2(1).
Phule M, Rajguru S, Singh D, Jambhulkar S, Mishra A, Murugan K, Upadhye V J,  Muskan S I, Sirsat P B, Shinde A,
Neela F A
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Case Report
2.  Young patient’s chronic fever. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Murarkar K, Mankar S, Warthi S, Kapse Y, Kataria K, Moon J, Ganvir K
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Original Article
3. Biodegradation Study of an Organophosphorus Insecticide–Quinalphos by Novel Sphingobacterium mizutaii strain DSM 11724. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1).
Pawar KR, Mali GV.
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4. Variants of SARS-CoV-2. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Jagadale P, Shinde S, Jadhav A, Bhamare A, Pawar B, Survase A.
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5.  Tinospora cordifolia as A Potential Anti-HIV Herb. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Shirsat HS.
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6.The Deterioration of Organophosphorous Insecticides by Sphingobacterium mizutaii. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Feroz KA.
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Case Report
7.  Support by Potato Dextrose Agar for Fungal and Bacterial Growth at 40C. The International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Kadam SS, Karne SD, Maybhate MN, Maniyar AR, Gore AA, Mehta HH.
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8. Monkeypox in India and its Myths. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Sirsat PB, Sujith MP, Marimuthu U, Prasath MG, Srikanth M, Jadhav A, Kadam S S  
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Case Report
9.  Ringozone: The slaughterhouse of atopic dermatitis. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Khalse B, Ghule S, Lad D, Phatke S, Khadke J, Shivarkar P,Darade G
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Original Article
10. In silico comparative analysis of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ isolates based on the Tandem Repeat Variability in a Genomic Locus (CLIBASIA_01645) of Maharashtra and Assam, India. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2022;3(1). 
Warghane A, Jaiswal V.
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Volume 2| Issue 1| Year 2021

1. Can Phytochemicals Hinder the Spread of Covid-19 that Created International Health Disaster? Int J Microb Sci. 2021;2(1). 
Khavate M, Jagtap S. S.
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2. Is remdesivir unique remedy to combat newly arrived COVID-19 pandemic? International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Deshpande A, Lokhande A.
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3. Synergism with an antibacterial activity or chemical composition of extracted essential oils of Crotonpulegiodorus Linnand Croton tetradenius Linn against Staphylococcus aureus. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Deshpande A, Lokhande A.  
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4.Third Wave of COVID-19: Facts and Mysteries. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Mohite P.
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5. Sustainable Agronomic Practices: a Hyperaccumulator Plant and its Associated Health Impact. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Mohite P.
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6.Does high-dose steroid therapy support health issues by mucormycosis in India? International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Lokhande S.
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Short Communication
7.  Seasonal Variation and Size Distribution in the Intramural Fungal Spore Concentration of Residential House in Bengaluru and their role in Respiratory Allergy. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Marigoudar JB, Abraham JN.
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8. Mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I (COI) Gene for Identification of Stink Bugs: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1).
Shinde A, Naik A, Shete P, Bichkule K, Jadhav A, Jain A.
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Scientific Survey
9. Health Problems by Alcoholic Beverages in village Ukhalgaon, Taluka Shrigonda, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1). 
Sirsat PB, Chandan S, Dhongde P, Bhamare A, Kadam SS, Anarse S.
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10. Microbial Robots to Treat the third Degree Burnt Patients: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2021;2(1).
Dhakane R, Bichkule K, Jadhav L.
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Volume 1|Issue 1| Year 2020 (January to December) 

1. Can Coronaviridae Viruses Reappear with their Novel Variants in Upcoming Years? International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Dhakane R, Shinde A, Bhattacharjee S, Wagh S.
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2. Oseltamivir against Influenza in Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI): Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Tingre G, Dhakane R.
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3. Current Status of Potential Vaccine against COVID-19: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Dhakane R, Bhattacharjee S, Chalak K.
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4.Status of Bacteriophage Genetic Modifications: a Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1).
Dhakane R, Zurange R, Madhumita M, Lohar N.
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5. Marriage of Zoonotic Viruses with Human Life: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Kagne S, Kagne R, Shinde B.
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6.Microbial Robotics for Cancer Treatment: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Jadhav A, Sonawane S, Bhagat N.
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7. Microbial Engineering for Natural Disaster Management: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Pawar A, Chaudhari Y, Sonawane N, Patil J, Maule J.
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8. Molecular Interaction, Behaviors and Effect of Temperature on glycoprotein receptors of SARS-CoV-2: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Ganguly B.
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9. Utilization of Microbes for Sustainable Agriculture: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1). 
Patil J, Pawar A, Chaudhari Y, Yadav R.
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10. Newly Detected VOC 202012/01: Review. International Journal of Microbial Science [Internet]. 2020;1(1).
Chatterjee S.
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